From The Forge

A number of customers have been in touch in regard to restocking of the Grotesque Shields and now they are back in! PayPal has an administration process in place currently with Australian customers so please hold off any orders till 22nd September.
With that in mind I’d like to show some behind the scenes photos of the casting process by Nic at Eureka Miniatures.


As you may be aware, these parts were mastered in resin- a UV resin 3D printed in a B9 Creator. The detail from these jewellery printers is spectacular and we can achieve a hand sculpted aesthetic and duplicate the basic shape to sculpt many different designs.

From the resin masters, vulcanised rubber moulds were created and molten metal was spun to produce the miniatures. I’m a big fan of metal miniatures, there is something about the weight and the tactile quality that takes me back, and Nic has retained amazing, crisp detail in the pieces.

These are ready to once again defend your Greenskins or Chaos troops.

Ev Shipard